Thursday, 11 August 2011

The First Marker

To begin with,

This is not the work of a proffessional traveller who walks around unknown lands every other day, has loads of interesting experiences and has a string of books authored and published. Definitely no. And this is not a modest no, like someone who has done a lot of things yet is humble and manages a bare whisper which sounds like 'no-ohohohoh....', the words slowly drifting away with the breeze....No, a loud no. I, correction, Me and my friends are amateurs who love to visit new places, see new sights, have new experiences and take pictures of these new places. Basically, we love travelling, we love tasting new dishes and love to...well, is there anything else to add to travelling? Travelling is like an addiction, an escape, an art, an impulse, a habit, a hobby etc etc etc, as defined by you or whoever is concerned. To me and maybe to us in general, travelling can be explained, defined, illustrated by only 4 words - Have Feet, Will Travel. Cliche, i know. But hey, some of the best things in life are cliched. 

So here, its just about travelling - what we have done, which is not a lot, but a little. Hope I or We do justice to ourselves. Amen!!


  1. Love the feel of this hullu page and biting my nails to see something on it sooooon,faster than your feet can take you. Fly and show us the Whole New World.
